Dec 1, 2021
(Bonus) Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is
a term that refers to a form of racism that is embedded in the
and regulations of a society or an organization. It manifests as
discrimination in areas such as criminal justice, employment,
housing, health care, education, and political representation. The
term institutional racism was first coined in 1967 by Stokely
Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton in Black Power: The Politics of
Liberation. Carmichael and Hamilton wrote in 1967 that while
individual racism is often identifiable because of its overt
nature, institutional racism is less perceptible because of its
"less overt, far more subtle" nature. Institutional racism
"originates in the operation of established and respected forces in
the society, and thus receives far less public condemnation than
[individual racism]".